Touchstones bereavement project

A project to support older bereaved people to learn new skills and to share their own knowhow with others in the Harrogate district area.


Bereavement support, social inclusion.


The Harrogate district area.


To support older bereaved people to learn new skills and to share their own knowhow with others.


When an older person loses their partner, not only do they lose their lifetime companion, they also lose the person that supported them in their day to day life.

As part of the project, sessions were planned around the needs and suggestions of the clients who attended the project and the clients' own skills and interests.
Clients come to the group and grow in self-confidence and self-esteem. They have joined at probably one of the lowest points in their life, yet they have come to the sessions and actively participated and contributed. Friendships have developed within the group and frequently these now extend outside of the project as clients and volunteers support each other further.

Although the aim of the project was for clients to learn new skills and share their own knowledge, the health and wellbeing of all clients and volunteers was paramount and underpinned the project. 

The opportunity to socialise each week and make new friends has greatly contributed to reducing feelings of loneliness and isolation often encountered by older bereaved people. In addition, the project has boosted the wellbeing and confidence of volunteers, particularly two volunteers who came to the project having been made redundant.

Contact details

Age UK North Yorkshire

Tel: 01423 530628