Welcome to North Yorkshire Partnerships

partnership.PNGThe North Yorkshire Partnerships website brings together a range of information for partners across the county.


This information is themed and can be accessed using the menu on the left, or by using the search facility. Contact details for specific themes and meetings are included on the relevant pages.




Partnership working

Partnership working in North Yorkshire follows four simple principles :

  1. The minimum number and simplest of partnership structures, consistent with delivering the required outcomes and statutory requirements;
  2. A North Yorkshire and York approach to county/sub-regional partnership structures as far as possible, recognising that a degree of pragmatism will be required given the different local authority structures in North Yorkshire and York;
  3. Local partnerships, including shared community engagement arrangements, at the most appropriate local level; and
  4. The use of task and finish groups to deal with particular issues, rather than standing thematic partnerships or sub-groups.


Contact details for specific themes and meetings are included on the relevant pages.

Information about North Yorkshire Council and its services can be found here: Home | North Yorkshire Council